Winners Gallery

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Small Budget/Big Idea
The musical massacre 2
  • Finalist
  • GEAB
  • Elmsta 3000 horror fest
Film: Best Use Small Budget/Big Idea
  • Gustav Egerstedt - Director, composer, creative director
  • Christer Kildén - Producer
  • Kenneth Ishii - DOP
  • Olle Ljungman - Sound design
  • Sofia Ringertz - Stylist
  • Soley Astudottir - Make up
  • Björn Clausen - Editor
  • Jacob Mohlin - Set design
  • Alexander Rehnby - Graphic design

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Financial & Investment
Time will tell
  • Dentsu Taiwan
  • Schroders Taiwan
  • Finalist
Branded Content/Entertainment: Products & Services Financial & Investment
Film - Online
Time will tell
  • Dentsu Taiwan
  • Schroders Taiwan
  • Finalist
Branded Content/Entertainment: Discipline Film - Online
Art Direction/Production Design
Eyes Say More Than Words
  • Design Army
  • Georgetown Optician
  • Finalist
Film Craft Art Direction/Production Design
Health & Wellness
Eyes Say More Than Words
  • Design Army
  • Georgetown Optician
  • Finalist
Film: Products & Services Health & Wellness
Never Standing Still
  • Design Army
  • Hong Kong Ballet
  • Finalist
Film Craft Direction
Shangri-La Constellation Collection 2019
  • Design Bridge Asia
  • Shangri-La Mooncakes
  • Finalist
Package & Product Design: Products & Services Food/Drink/Restaurants
User-Generated Content
JFK Moonshot
  • Digitas
  • JFK Presidential Library and Museum
  • Finalist
Social Media & Influencer: Best Use User-Generated Content
Politics & Government
JFK Moonshot
  • Digitas
  • JFK Presidential Library and Museum
  • Finalist
Outdoor: Products & Services Politics & Government
JFK Moonshot
  • Digitas
  • JFK Presidential Library and Museum
  • Finalist
Outdoor: Best Use Technology
Social/Environmental Good: Charity/Non-Profit
JFK Moonshot
  • Digitas
  • JFK Presidential Library and Museum
  • Finalist
Activation & Engagement: Best Use Social/Environmental Good: Charity/Non-Profit